1:1 Personal Training
Are you struggling to train by yourself or in a group setting? For the duration of the session, the trainer would be dedicated only on you & no one else. You will be monitored throughout all the exercises to ensure form is achieved to maximize energy out put for each accomplished session. By training with such precision each session, it will bring faster results.
This Package Includes
Step 1
Fitness Assessment

At the very beginning of your fitness Journey, the trainer can carry out your fitness assessment on Physiologic, Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory, Movement & Performance as well as setting monthly targets for you to achieve.
Step 2
Tailored Programme

For the days when you’re not with the trainer, a customized fitness plan 4 to 12 weeks can be designed for you to follow. Being active outside of your personal training sessions would help you to stay focused, more active & on track.
Step 3
Nutrition Advice

For faster fitness results, a good diet is essential. Your trainer will give you guidance as to which foods to include in your meals, & those to void. A balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, & can help you feel reinvigorated.
Step 4
1:1 Personal Training

Working out with a trainer at least once or more times a week will improve your chances of achieving your desired goals in the shortest time-frame. Working with your trainer, sessions will be much safer, progressive & more effective.
Step 5
Fitness Assessment Review

Every 2 weeks your fitness journey will be reviewed to measure improvement. Your most-recent fitness assessment results would be compared to the previous, & then the trainer can amend or set new monthly targets.
Step 6
Achievement Award

It’s important to be recognised & rewarded for your hard work & achievements. By reaching the course set targets, Fitness Justice will reward you with either a complimentary session(s) or a discount off your next purchase.